A Realignment Of Services Offered
The Documents Are Go! content creation service will now be concentrating exclusively on writing for information technology, big data, and enterprise software companies. I’ve decided to concentrate my writing service on a few specific subjects within business writing. There’s a clear need for readable content in support of this industry and I find writing about it fascinating. Much as before, my service will be website oriented writing; blog posts, on-page copywriting, white papers, and case studies.
I consider myself to be someone who appreciates the importance of computer sciences and I sort-of regret not pursuing the subject as a career path. I say sort-of because I’m a verbal-slash-visual person and not so great with the higher-level math. I studied (Real) Estate Management as a student at the University of Central England (now Birmingham City University) in the mid-nineties and computer science was an item that I noticed in the catalog when it was time to choose a subject.
As Business Becomes Digital Computer Science Is The Path
Another point is that, if asked I would whole-heartedly tell any child or parent who asks me what to study in school, the answer is computer science! The way that the economy has become dominated by technology is not surprising perhaps, but what is surprising is that the different parts of technology such as the Internet, mobile technology, and e-commerce have merged into something that takes control of every aspect of the business, regardless of the industry or market.
Yesterday I happened to ask a new acquaintance what their company was, his response was, “well, it’s a website” and then we both said at the same time, “what business isn’t now?” OK, so maybe you had to be there to appreciate the humor in it but really, what business these days isn’t built around a website? I would guess, either a business that’s a paragon of artisanal cuteness or one that’s about to get liquidated. Digital technology is in everything and to create a business you have to take command of the code that forms the structural frame and machinery of your business process.
All organizations of the future are likely to be composed of founders or chiefs, the creatives, professionals such as accountants and attorneys, and highly-skilled IT workers, and not much else. So, whatever the specialization is, there’ll be a component to every business that is about software. I’m convinced that the children of today need to be learning about programming right now, or risk being left behind.
Copywriting For Enterprise Software Websites
I do enjoy writing about information technology and enterprise software and I haven’t had any complaints from clients, so writing about technology, software, and big data is the direction I have decided to go. Not as a technical writer but as a blogger for hire and copywriter. I figure that if I can’t be one of the crafty coders running the show I can at least write about it, publishing content and headlines like a happy clown on the sideline, heckling the experts with hilarious one-liners.